Spray Patters of Rain Shower

1What are the types of shower

There are many ways to classify shower heads. We classify them according to the way of water outlet From the way of water outlet, the most common is the general shower.

1. General shower:

It is suitable for fast and simple shower. The water flow can also meet the needs of most people, but it is still insufficient for some people with special needs. However, it is easy to install and there are many on the market, which is convenient for businesses to buy.

2. Massage shower:

The water spray is strong and has strong stimulation to our body. It can stimulate the acupoints of our body and is good for our body, but it belongs to intermittent water flow, which may not be liked by some friends.

3. Turbine shower:

Water flow is a column of water, which can help us stimulate our body.

4. Strong beam shower:

The water flow is very strong, which will produce a foggy effect, which can very meet some guests with special needs. Because the water flow is too strong, this shower is usually used by few people.Many hand-held showers in shower packages have multiple modes at the same time, which can be switched as needed


How to choose shower?

1. Look at the shower material

Material is an important factor that determines the quality and service life of shower. It is also a knowledge to choose the material of shower according to our needs.

Most showers on the market are made of three materials: ABS plastic, stainless steel and copper.

Performance: Copper > stainless steel > ABS plastic. Price: Copper > stainless steel > ABS plastic.

Copper is the best of the three, and its durability will be much better than the other two, but its price is relatively high, and it is still more luxurious compared with practical application.

However, ABS plastic has a short service life, but the price is affordable.

There are also many businesses will choose stainless steel, in the wet bathroom, stainless steel moisture-proof effect is also good, the price is also more appropriate.

2. Look at the shower function

For our ordinary families, it is enough to choose the general type of shower, but many shower sprinklers on the market also have many functions. Many modes of water volume can be selected by many people, such as massage water, pressurized water, etc. the strength and speed of water flow need to be considered according to our own situation.

3. Look at the appearance of the shower

The appearance should be considered and purchased according to the design of our bathroom. At present, there are wall shower, top shower and hand-held shower on the market. We can choose according to the situation of our bathroom and our own needs.

Post time: Oct-18-2021