Advantages and disadvantages of whole house customization

With people’s higher and higher requirements for decoration, the whole house customization also gradually appears in everyone’s view. This kind of customization can not only make full use of the effective space, but also has more and more new ideas in the design.

With people’s higher and higher requirements for decoration, the whole house customization also gradually appears in everyone’s view. This kind of customization can not only make full use of the effective space, but also has more and more new ideas in the design. Let’s take you to know the advantages and disadvantages of whole house customization.


1Reduce unnecessary expenses

Customization is an effective way to control the decoration cost. People who have decorated all know that the final decoration style basically exceeds the original budget, because in the decoration process, there are often some additional items that cannot be paid in advance, such as a few more cabinets inexplicably, which will naturally consume more labor and materials. If the construction period is extended, we have to pay more, which is not reflected in the initial quotation of the decoration company.

2Maximize space utilization

Compared with finished furniture, the biggest advantage of customization is the efficient use of space. The high housing prices make small and medium-sized units become the main force of the real estate market. How to make full use of space is a big problem for many families. For customized furniture, it can not only make the use of conventional space more efficient, but also “turn decay into magic” for some spaces that are difficult to use.

3Personalization of product design

After years of development, the current whole house customization has been very mature in design. From the category of customized products, customized furniture is no longer just the customization of color, size and shape. The personalization of customized furniture is also reflected in its function. In addition to meeting the personalized aesthetic needs of consumers, compared with finished furniture, the functions of customized home products are more personalized. Take the custom-made cabinet as an example, you can design U-shaped, L-shaped, straight line, island platform, etc., which are in line with the layout of your home.



1There are many problems in the installation process, only repair can not be returned

In the process of customization, design and installation are the two most important links. In the current customization market, there are few orders for some small brands. In order to save the budget, we will hire an external installation master or share an installation master with other brands. In this case, due to the lack of necessary training for installation masters and a strict and unified installation acceptance standard, many consumers and businesses will have all kinds of disputes due to installation problems. Because the customized furniture is different from the finished furniture, the row holes between the boards are different, but the shapes are similar. If a little careless, the holes are wrong or crooked, the installation will not be firm and beautiful. What’s more, for custom-made furniture, once there is damage in the installation process, the next thing we have to face is the hidden rules of the industry.

2Production capacity can’t keep up with sales, and delivery time is not guaranteed

Senior industry insiders said that due to the rapid development of the customization industry, the production capacity of many manufacturers can not keep up with the sales volume, so there is an embarrassing situation that manufacturers are dragged by the industry. Many manufacturers do not pay attention to the proportion between their own production capacity and sales volume, blindly expand, and engage in sales promotion every holiday to fight for market share in the terminal market. As a result, dealers all over the country have orders, and the problem of placing orders in factories comes! Manufacturers’ production capacity can’t keep up with orders, and the production cycle is seriously delayed. Not only consumers complain, but also dealers around the world complain.

Post time: Jun-01-2021